380K Kubernetes API Servers Exposed to Public Internet
More than 380,000 of the 450,000-plus servers hosting the open-source container-orchestration engine for managing cloud deployments allow some form of access.
More than 380,000 of the 450,000-plus servers hosting the open-source container-orchestration engine for managing cloud deployments allow some form of access.
Privilege escalation flaw discovered in the Jupiter and JupiterX Core Plugin affects more than 90,000 sites.
Researchers say a GitHub proof-of-concept exploitation of recently announced VMware bugs is being abused by hackers in the wild.
Research indicates that organizations should make patching existing flaws a priority to mitigate risk of compromise.
The U.S. Department of Justice indites middle-aged doctor, accusing him of being a malware mastermind.
Microsoft researchers say they are tracking a botnet that is leveraging bugs in the Spring Framework and WordPress plugins.
Wireless features Bluetooth, NFC and UWB stay on even when the device is powered down, which could allow attackers to execute pre-loaded malware.
Microsoft’s May Patch Tuesday update is triggering authentication errors.
An account promoting the project—which offers a range of threat activity from info-stealing to crypto-mining to ransomware as individual modules—has more than 500 subscribers.
Researchers discovered a simple malware builder designed to steal credentials, then pinging them to Discord webhooks.
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