APT Lazarus Targets Engineers with macOS Malware
The North Korean APT is using a fake job posting for Coinbase in a cyberespionage campaign targeting users of both Apple and Intel-based systems.
The North Korean APT is using a fake job posting for Coinbase in a cyberespionage campaign targeting users of both Apple and Intel-based systems.
The incident disrupted corporate IT systems at one company while attackers misidentified the victim in a post on its website that leaked stolen data.
Mobile transactions could’ve been disabled, created and signed by attackers.
‘Summer Camp’ for hackers features a compromised satellite, a homecoming for hackers and cyberwarfare warnings.
The CISA has seen a resurgence of the malware targeting a range of verticals and critical infrastructure organizations by exploiting RDP, firewall vulnerabilities.
Researcher shows how Instagram and Facebook’s use of an in-app browser within both its iOS apps can track interactions with external websites.
Belgian researcher Lennert Wouters revealed at Black Hat how he mounted a successful fault injection attack on a user terminal for SpaceX’s satellite-based internet system
A uniquely politically motivated site called DUMPS focuses solely on threat activity directed against Russia and Belarus
Networking giant says attackers gained initial access to an employee’s VPN client via a compromised Google account.
This edition of the Threatpost podcast is sponsored by Egress.
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